Tuesday, June 28, 2011


My name is J.Lorenzo and I want to just welcome all of you to my blog spot!! Finally I have my own blog. (it's been long over due) The reason I wanted to do a blog was because I honestly got tired of talking to myself about things that bothered me so now I have the tremendous opportunity to talk to people about what pisses me off at free will.

Lets get down to business, or how my Uncle pronounces it "Bidness?" When you come here, you will opinions about get the latest and greatest in Hip Hop culture. Since I love Hip Hop, I feel someone should advocate for it. Now just because I love it, doesn't mean always I like it! (It's like my girlfriend! I love you though baby!) I feel that that Hip Hop has expanded in diversity, but the lyrical content has dwindled. What's that fate of Hip Hop? I don't know, but what I will do is keep you informed about Hip Hop past and present. 

So for now, thats it, follow me on twitter @Jameer88. (shameless plug) Before I go, I want to give you all the link to one of my favorite Hip Hop songs, "Luchini" by CampLo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXyFYNiV-9I    Peace!

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